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Moate Golf Club - Co Westmeath

Moate Golf Club - Co Westmeath

Moate Golf Club

Hole 18 and Clubhouse
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The Front Garden - Looking good !!
Atmospheric view of the 1st Tee Box at sunset
Finishing touches on the all new 4th Tee Box
The 5th Fairway from the Tee Box
Its a long way up the 7th fairway - and the out-of-bounds is still there!
Magnificent view back up the 8th fairway - waiting for a little fade into the valley
. . all at once I saw a crowd, a host, of golden daffodils - 8th Green
Some re-claimed ground on the re-aligned 9th hole
Just a reminder - there will be no rakes in bunkers for the moment!
Greenside at the 9th - featuring the new pot bunker
A view of the re-aligned 9th hole - note the out-of-bounds markers
Shrubs in bloom on the improved 10th tee box
Keeping the grass cut off the 16th fairway
New Coffee Machine in the re-vamped Shop
Golf Balls, Tees and more - Courtesy ProGolf, Athlone
Golf Bags and shoes newly arrived in Moate Golf Club
Re-stocking the Shop - Courtesy ProGolf, Athlone
If you can't hit the Green from this beautiful Tee Box . . . .
Panoramic view of the 4th Tee Box and 3rd Green
New Pot Bunker, replacing the Fairway Bunker on the left of the 9th Green - completed
Preparing for a delayed Captains Drive_In
Developing the new Pot Bunker on the left of the 9th Green
More developments in the Shop
The redeveloped 3rd Tee Box
The lonely owl still protecting our greens
The 4th Tee Box from the 4th Green
Stonework almost finished - 4th Tee Box
Work in progress - 4th Tee Box
Club Notes - 12/01/2025

Not much to report seeing as we had to stay closed due to the frost and then of course the aftereffects of same. As always it is important to point out that a decision to close the course is never taken lightly and is always done with the best interest of the course firmly in mind. Hopefully things will get going again this week.

FUTURE COMPETITIONS – Weekly 13 Hole – Weeks. 1 & 3 will be combined seeing as the course was closed for all of Week 2.  

SEERY’S CASH & CARRY WINTER LEAGUE 2025 – As per above, no rounds played this week.

INTERMEDIATE ALLIANCE - The next outing is at Mullingar GC on Sunday 19th January with tee times from 10-12. 

COURSE CORNER – We really appreciate the efforts of the course staff and volunteers. As always we remind everyone to rake the bunkers, fix pitchmarks and sand / replace divots as you go. You can rake and place in the bunkers for the winter.


ANDY’S ARCHIVE – This week I’ve randomly selected 5 pieces from the Irish Newspaper Archives and they come from the Westmeath Independent 12/09/1903, Offaly Independent 14/06/1952, Irish Press 15/02/1975, Westmeath Examiners 26/01/1991 & 06/07/2013. 

1903 – “Gymkhana Sports at Moate. On Friday last pleasant weather conditions favoured the performance at Moate, of a successful Gymkhana, held under the patronage of Lord and Lady Castlemaine, in aid of the South Westmeath Polo Club. The sports were held on the Moate Horse Show grounds, and so many thronged the way it necessitated an early start for a timely arrival at the entrance gate, where the arrangements were looked after in an admirable by manner by Messrs. Harrington** and Russell. There were many events included in the programme, and in the “Ladies Bending Bicycle Race” Miss Goodbody won with much ease and skill. Many puns were made on the successful “Whistling Race” which went off like steam and so on, and the “Threading of the Needle Race” was won by Miss Flood and Mr. H. Moorehead, junr, the juvenile doing his part in a promising surgical manner. The diverting “Costume Race” gave evidence of much feminine care, thought and attention, and there was much applause when Major O’Dell skipped first over the winning tape. The “Donkey Race” was well entered for, and the start was promptly made in a businesslike manner, but one the pace became a scorcher Master Bob Wakefield’s mount would not be denied, and came through with flying colours beating down all opposition. The Polo Club was strongly represented in the “Pig Sticking Event”, but through lack of practice the ponies proved somewhat shy of the game, however, Mr. Frederick W. Russell** trailed the “pig” with grace and agility – no wild beast in its natural condition could jump so well. The exciting contest finally resolved itself into a duel of excellence between Mr. Large and captain Bayley, in which the gallant Captain ceded victory to his opponent, and general rejoicings ran high when the agile porker was transfixed. Most of the principal families of the district were represented. At the conclusion of the enjoyable proceedings the prizes were gracefully distributed by Lady Castlemaine.”

** Mr. Frederick W. Russell and Mr. Arthur H. Harrington were members of Moate Golf Clubs founding committee in 1900.


1952 – “Tullamore Open Golf meeting. From Monaghan, the county of the little hills, to Wicklow, the county of Towering Peaks; from the Shannon and the Suir, the Blackwater and the Bann; from the Donegal Highlands to Cork’s own town beside the lovely Lee, in fact from every county in the Republic and the North including the very exclusive clubs of Co. Dublin. 600 enthusiastic golfers came to Tullamore for the great Whit Open meeting. Never in the half century of the clubs existence was there such an influx of visitors for the fame of Tullamore’s Whitsuntide golf is nationwide. The greatest credit is due the hon secretary, Mr. Thomas McRedmond for the herculean work on the occasion, the first big occasion since he took up duty in this exacting office. The visitors were loud in their praise on what Tullamore had to offer in the way of golfing facilities and amenities. The genial captain presided and in the fulfilment of his duties, Mr. Dolan has nothing to learn. His perfectly effortless urbanity and courteous efficiency were in perfect accord with what one naturally associates with him. Miss O’Hara, the Lady Captain with her usual dignity and perfect aplomb presented the many prizes. There were no fewer than 38 clubs represented in the great assembly and the array of motor cars was one of the most impressive features on a memorable three days. There is a special word of prose due the steward for the truly admirable manner in which the heavy task of catering was carried out.  The following are the results (Tullamore unless otherwise stated):- Ladies Stroke – Miss K. Sheehy (35) 63; Miss S. McDonnell (35) 65.

Briscoe Cup (bogie) – J. Graham (8) Mullingar, 4 up; Capt. V. Baston the Curragh, 3 up.

Walsh Cup, 30 hole stroke – I. Walsh (8) 138; R. King-Hall (10) Enniscorthy, 143; M.F. Kavanagh (5) 143. Best Cross – M.P. Kavanagh (5) 153. Class II (18 hole stroke) – J.M. Clupe, (21) 64; W. Adams (20) 67.

18 Hole Bogey – M. Kelleher (16) Arklow, 5 up; J. Sherlock (20), Birr, 2 up; Dr. C.J. O’Sullivan (18) Castle, 1 up.

Ladies 4 Ball v. Bogey, 9 holes – Miss M. Kelleher (8) Milltown, and Mrs. E.F. Dolan (22) 4 up; Mrs. O’Meara (19) Athlone, and Miss Gearty (36) Athlone, 2 up; Miss E. Sheehy (22), Dunleary, and Miss K. Sheehy (24), 2 up; Miss I. Hurst (12) and Miss A. Crowley (15) 2 up.

Mens 4 Ball v. Bogey – Rev. Fr. Callan (14) Portmarnock, and J. MacCann (12) Headford, 10 up; W. Boulger (20) Moate and T. Griffin (18), Moate, 7 up; P.A. Wrafter (12) and J.F. Wrafter (12), 7 up; W. Conroy (6), The Heath, and J. Moriarty (13), The Heath, 7 up. Mixed Foursomes – Mr. and Mrs. J.F. Walshe, Roscrea, 69; Mrs. McCann and J. Sullivan, Athlone, 72; Mrs. E.F. Dolan and P.A. Wrafter, 72. Best Gross – Mr. and Mrs. M.J. Earner 80.

Putting Competition – Miss A. Magennis 16; J. Walsh 15; J. Shaw, Mullingar 15. Prize for the best lady over the three days (undecided) – Miss Magennis 16; Mrs. Liddy 16; Mrs. Gillespie, Foxrock, 16. This will be decided at the Ladies open, on June 29th. ”

1975 – “Golfers throughout the Midlands within the handicap range of 10-18 are to have their interest catered for by a new body. The new midland Intermediate Alliance has been formed following a meeting in Tullamore between representatives of the Tullamore, Athlone, Birr and Moate Golf Clubs. The new body will be in addition to the Senior Midland Alliance which has been functioning very successfully in recent years. Although it will be restricted to the four clubs mentioned initially, it is hoped to expand later to embrace a wider region. The first Captain of the new group is Mr. D.J. Dold (Tullamore) and other officers elected at the inaugural meeting included Mr. John Brennan (Athlone), honorary secretary: Mr. Brendan Costello (Moate), honorary treasurer, and Mr. Joe Galvin (Tullamore) as P.R.O. A committee embracing three representatives from each of the four clubs was also elected. It is planned to stage two outings this season, the first of them in Tullamore tomorrow week. This inaugural meeting will be sponsored by Allied Irish Banks Ltd., and Ulster Bank Ltd. Have agreed to sponsor the second outing in Athlone on March 16th.”

1991 – “A substantial turnout at the Annual General Meeting of Moate Golf Club on Sunday discussed many important issues, including the present national “controversy” of full membership for ladies. This particular bone of contention has been high on the agenda for some time now, and the all-male attendance (only full members can attend and vote at the A.G.M., decided to come to grips with the problem. After a number of carefully presented arguments the meeting decided that it would be better to wait and see if the female associates of the club really desired full membership. It was felt that a decision on this might emerge from the women’s A.G.M. which takes place on February 3rd. Should there be subsequent requests for full membership the matter can be discussed at the next A.G.M. Another important matter to occupy the minds of the members, was the expanding of the course to 18 holes, from the present 9. It is still the declared target of the club to embark on this expansion, although no definite plans were laid. The officers elected were as follows: President, P.J. Grogan; Captain, Fred Payne; Vice-Captain, Bob Traynor; Treasurer, Martin Forde; Secretary, Joe Creggy; Trustees, Michael Glennon and Liam Cornally. Committee: Bert Burke, Michael Dolan, Liam Galvin, Chris Touhy, Tony Power, Robbie Ross, Tom Sugrue, Brendan Grehan, Eamon Coughlan, Tom Cuffe, Jimmy Flynn, Ray Lynam.”

2013– “Golfer of the Year update. After the Mick Glennon memorial event last week the latest top 5 are – Stephen O’Brien 68pts, Martin Glennon 62pts, Tommy Campbell 58pts, Brendan Butler 56pts, Tommy Conlon 52pts. Quite a few in contention just behind these so all to play for yet.”



Andy Dunne 

Moate Golf Club 

Hon. Secretary & P.R.O 

Club notes 05/01/2025

We wish all of our members, visitors and sponsors, their friends and families a Happy New Year, welcome to 2025!  

FUTURE COMPETITIONS – Weekly 13 Hole – Wk. 1 & Wk. 2 will be combined as the course was closed most of the week and is likely to get hit with heavy frost again this week.

Thanks to Ger Heavin for these frosty photos! 

SEERY’S CASH & CARRY WINTER LEAGUE 2025 – The latest table is already on the website thanks to our hard working Webmaster supreme Padraig Keenan. There are no changes for either the top or bottom 3. Team 17 Darren Rosney 546pts still lead but the chasing pack has for the third week running closed the gap a little more. Team 15 Pat Byrne have 537pts and next are Team 33 Sean Weldon on 522pts. Team 28 Tommy Digan bounce up 9 places to 13th on 416pts while 5 teams slipped by 3 positions.

CATERING – Just a reminder that we still have no catering facilities so if you are interested (or know anyone that is interested) in taking the business on during 2025, please contact us.

Martin Horan sent us this one of Jamie Colgan in action in Sydney! 

**updated 07/01/2025 - INTERMEDIATE ALLIANCE - The next outing is at Mullingar GC on Sunday 19th January with tee times from 10-12. 

COURSE CORNER – We really appreciate the efforts of the course staff and volunteers. As always we remind everyone to rake the bunkers, fix pitchmarks and sand / replace divots as you go. As previously announced you can rake and place in the bunkers for the winter. 

ANDY’S ARCHIVE – This week I’ve randomly selected another 3 gems from the Irish Newspaper Archives and they come from the Connaught Tribune dated 19/06/1943, a Westmeath Examiner of 21/09/1968 and a Longford Leader of 06/10/1989.  

1943 – “Jimmy Ward won the final of the Scratch Cup at Galway Golf Club on Monday from Larry McCarthy before a large and enthusiastic gathering. This is the first time a local member has inscribed his name on the Cup and Ward deserves great credit. He is one of the best shot players in the Club – his iron play is long and accurate and when he can coordinate his play round the greens a bit more I shall expect to hear a lot more about him. The runner-up, L. McCarthy, was not at his best in the final but he played excellent golf against John Burke in the semi-final. John Burke is hitting the ball as well as ever but he could not concede shots to McCarthy’s steadiness. The other semi-final was also a needle match, and but for a socket at the 17th anything could have happened. There were some notable absentees from the qualifiers, amongst them Jack O’Driscoll who did not strike form on Sunday but he had a 67 gross on Monday to win the Singles v. Bogey with the extraordinary score of 8 up. B. Slattery had an excellent score in the qualifying round and then went to the 22nd hole with J. Ward. Another popular visitor who just failed to qualify, although conceding 5 shots, was John Dolan from Moate. The Captain, John Allen, presented the prizes.”

1968 – “Moate golfers had a most enjoyable and successful day’s golfing at Tullamore on Sunday – in fact they cleared the decks. The players comprising Moate’s A team – Messrs. Eamon Coughlan, Andrew McLoughlin, Michael Adamson, Tommy O’Brien, Hughie Conlon, P.C. Lynam – won the most coveted prize of the year, six beautiful plaques engraved “Midland Shield, 1968”, with the perpetual cup. The donor, club Captain Sean Mannion, congratulated the winners and said he hoped to see them back again next year. The Moate side paid warm tributes to the runners-up, Longford, who lost by a mere two strokes. Twenty four teams competed. This is the third occasion on which they won the competition – 1963, 1966 and 1968.”

1989 – “The winners at Ballymahon’s Inny Golf Society stableford competition held in Moate Golf Club on Saturday were: Adrian Duncan with 44pts., Larry Lloyd 43pts and Willie Cashel 40pts. 1st nine was won by Tom Cashel and 2nd nine by Jimmy Lennon. Gross Prize winner was Frank McGann. Other winners were Niall McKnight Jnr., Pat Connolly, Michael Farrell and Gerry Quinn. The visitors prize was won by Andy Byrne, Longford, with 39pts. In the ladies section Carole Nally won with 18pts, followed by Oonagh Flynn with 17pts in a 9 hole competition. A fine meal at the clubhouse followed the days golf and this years Captain, Colm Reilly, presented the prizes to all the worthy winners and thanked the sponsors for their generosity. The sponsors were: Anthony Barry, Bank of Ireland, Ballymahon, Michael Cooney, Adrian Duncan, Liam Flynn, John Heneghan, Frank McGann, Declan McGivney, Ronnie Nally and Gerry Quinn, Forgney.”

125th ANNIVERSARY – While on the subject of history, did you know that Moate Golf Club is 125 years old in 2025? Well we are, and I’d love to see if anyone has any old photos they could send me (or that I could borrow to copy) for a clubhouse display at some stage during the year. Let me know on 086 055 6336 or if you have anything I could use.


Andy Dunne 

Moate Golf Club 

Hon. Secretary & P.R.O 

Club Notes 29/12/2024

It’s been great to see the car park and fairways packed over the Christmas holiday period. We hope all of our members, visitors and sponsors, their friends and families had a Happy Christmas and like us are looking forward to 2025.  

RESULTS – Super Valu Xmas Comp. Week 2 (13 hole Stableford) 29/12/2024: 1st Cat 1: Rory Minagh (8) 30pts, 2nd Cat 1: George Garvey (8) 28pts, 1st Cat 2: Gareth Cassidy (10) 28pts, 2nd Cat 2: Mike Hiney (12) 28pts, 1st Cat 3: Paddy Egan (15) 29pts, 2nd Cat 3: Richie O’Brien (14) 28pts, 1st Cat 4: Willie Ganly (21) 35pts, 2nd Cat 4: Kevin Duffy (22) 30pts, 1st Ladies: Beth Dunne (18) 28pts. 

FUTURE COMPETITIONS – This week we have Week 1 of our January 2025 Weekly 13 hole competitions. Winter League rounds can be played any day. Please make sure you have your yellow tee handicap and team number on the card.

SEERY’S CASH & CARRY WINTER LEAGUE 2025 – The latest table is now available on the website. Team 17 Darren Rosney 546pts still lead but the chasing pack has once again closed the gap a little more. Team 15 Pat Byrne have 534pts and next are Team 33 Sean Weldon on 522pts. The following all moved up 5 places this week – Team 2 Kevin Jordan (12th), Team 24 Rory Minagh (16th), Team 19 Adrian Hiney (24th) & Team 16 Gary Colgan (28th). Going in the wrong direction are Team 1 Pat Fox who fall 5 to 32nd overall.

CATERING – Just a little reminder that we still have no catering facilities so if you are interested (or know anyone that is interested) in taking the business on during 2025, please contact us.

COURSE CORNER – We really appreciate the efforts of the course staff and volunteers. As always we remind everyone to rake the bunkers, fix pitchmarks and sand / replace divots as you go. As previously announced you can rake and place in the bunkers for the winter.  

A little sign from our Spanish based contributor Louis Cunningham! 

ANDY’S ARCHIVE – This week I’ve randomly selected another 3 gems from the Irish Newspaper Archives and they come from an Offaly Independent dated 22/03/1924, an Evening Herald of 30/06/1972 and the Westmeath Independent from 14/02/1997.   

1924 – “Daingean Golf Club – Arrangements are being made for the formation of a Golf Club in Daingean and as there already several first class proponents of the game in the town the Club is expected to be a successful one.”

1972 – “Tommy O’Brien was very much in the centre of things at Moate GC during the past week as he contested the final of the Presidents Cup and came second in the Snowcream Prize. In the Presidents Cup he conceded five shots to P.J. Grogan and lost only to a birdie 3 at the 19th. In the Snowcream Prize he scored all flat to finish one-hole off the pace set by Tim Casey and Brendan Costello was third with 1 down.”

1997 – “Liam Cox, who was born at Church Street, Moate in 1908 and educated at the Marist College, Athlone, qualified as a National Teacher in St. Patrick’s Training College, Drumcondra and spent more than forty years teaching at Baylin and later in Moate, until he retired in 1974. For many years he was Honorary Secretary of Moate Golf Club, of which he is a past Captain and President, and has contributed numerous articles to historical and genealogical publications including Riocht na Midhe, The Irish Ancestor, The Irish Genealogist, The Irish Sword, Old Athlon Society Journal, Ardagh Journal, etc.”

125th ANNIVERSARY – While on the subject of history, did you know that Moate Golf Club is 125 years old in 2025? Well we are, and I’d love to see if anyone has any old photos they could send me (or that I could borrow to copy) for a clubhouse display at some stage during the year. Let me know on 086 055 6336 or if you have anything I could use.


Andy Dunne 

Moate Golf Club 

Hon. Secretary & P.R.O 

Club Notes 22/12/2024

We would like to wish all of our members, visitors and sponsors, their friends and families a Happy Christmas and a peaceful New Year. We thank you all for your support during 2024 and look forward to seeing you again in 2025.

RESULTS – Super Valu Xmas Comp. Week 1 (13 hole Stableford) 22/12/2024: 1st Cat 1: Paddy Lynam (4) 27pts, 2nd Cat 1: Colm Farrell (6) 25pts, 1st Cat 2: Frank Bannon (13) 30pts, 2nd Cat 2: Willie Colgan (13) 29pts, 1st Cat 3: Brian Costello (15) 32pts, 2nd Cat 3: Paddy Coyne (16) 29pts, 1st Cat 4: Keith Simpson (20) 33pts, 2nd Cat 4: Declan Rooney (29) 27pts, 1st Ladies: Beth Dunne (18) 26pts.  

Ger Coughlan sizing up the 2nd green on Sunday. 

FUTURE COMPETITIONS – This week we have the second of our Super-Valu Voucher competitions from Monday 23rd Sunday 29th December. Winter League rounds can be played any day. Please make sure you have your yellow tee handicap and team number on the card.

SEERY’S CASH & CARRY WINTER LEAGUE 2025 – The latest table is now available on the website. Team 17 Darren Rosney 536pts still lead but the chasing pack has closed the gap a little. Team 15 Pat Byrne have 516pts and next are Team 33 Sean Weldon on 505pts. Team 8 Liam Galvin fell 9 places and are now 23rd while going places are Team 30 Sam Moran who are up to 8th from 22nd.

CATERING – Just a little reminder that we still have no catering facilities so if you are interested (or know anyone that is interested) in taking the business on, please contact us.

COURSE CORNER – We really appreciate the efforts of the course staff and volunteers. As always we remind everyone to rake the bunkers, fix pitchmarks and sand / replace divots as you go. As previously announced you can rake and place in the bunkers for the winter.  

ANDY’S ARCHIVE – This week I’ve unearthed another 3 gems from the Irish Newspaper Archives and they come from an Irish Press dated 01/09/1941, a Westmeath Independent of 09/06/2000 and the Irish Independent from 29/04/2014.       

1941 – “Tullamore GC – Harry Bradshaw, Irish professional champion, and Eddie Hackett beat Paddy Mahon and the local pro., J. Nangle, 3 and 2 in Red Cross exhibition golf match yesterday.” (Joseph Nangle was the pro in Moate 1942/43)

2000 – “Athlone GC – Thursday 1st June – 4 Ball Stableford was won by A. Barrett (12) and J. Curtin (8) from Ballinasloe with 45pts, 2nd Nett were Dom Fitzpatrick (6) and Billy Coughlan (13) 44pts from Moate. 3rd Nett Colm Moriarty (+1) and Hugh Feeney (14) with 43 pts. 4th Eamon Coughlan (6) and Kit Geoghegan (15) from Moate with 42pts.”

2014 – “Moate GC – John Foster (12) 62. Class 1: Liam Galvin (6) 67. Class 2: John Paul Kelly (11) 69. Class 3: I. Campbell (17) 68. Class 4: Brendan Magee (25) 69.”

125th ANNIVERSARY – While on the subject of history, did you know that Moate Golf Club is 125 years old in 2025? Well we are, and I’d love to see if anyone has any old photos they could send me (or that I could borrow to copy) for a clubhouse display at some stage during the year. Let me know on 086 055 6336 or if you have anything I could use.


Andy Dunne 

Moate Golf Club 

Hon. Secretary & P.R.O 

Club Notes 15/12/2024

RESULTS – Gents Turkey Week 7 (13 hole Stableford) 15/12/2024: 1st Cat 1: Paddy Lynam (4) 28pts, 2nd Cat 1: Colm Farrell (6) 27pts, 1st Cat 2: Willie Colgan (13) 30pts, 2nd Cat 2: PJ McCormack, 1st Cat 3: Miceal Fox (15) 27pts, 2nd Cat 3: Colin Quinlisk (18) 27pts, 1st Cat 4: Denis McCarthy (24) 31pts, 2nd Cat 4: Andrew Nally (21) 29pts.  (** To help spread the prizes around each time category winners get -2pts, and runners up -1pt for future rounds.) We hope to have all Turkey Vouchers available in the shop from Tuesday. 

Noel Ryan, Nicky Grennan and Patrick Flynn hunting turkeys on Saturday morning last. None were caught! 

FUTURE COMPETITIONS – This week we have the first of two 13 hole Super-Valu Hamper competitions from Monday 16th to Sunday 22nd December. Winter League rounds can be played any day. Please make sure you have your yellow tee handicap and team number on the card.

SEERY’S CASH & CARRY WINTER LEAGUE 2025 – Due to a longer than expected AGM, the table will be updated during the week.

COURSE CORNER – We really appreciate the efforts of the course staff and volunteers for the ongoing clean up after Storm Darragh. The Course Manager has asked me to particularly mention the 2 hardworking ladies Marie Keane and Kay Gantley who turned up on Monday and put a great shift in. As always we remind everyone to rake the bunkers, fix pitchmarks and sand / replace divots as you go. As previously announced you can rake and place in the bunkers for the winter.   

2024 MANAGEMENT AGM – A well-attended Club AGM was held on Sunday 15th December in the clubhouse. The following were elected to the Management Committee for the year ahead: Mens Captain: Michael McLoughlin, Hon. Treasurer: Gareth Cassidy, Hon. Secretary & P.R.O.: Andy Dunne, Ladies Captain: Marianne Young, Men’s Vice-Captain: Martin Ryan, Lady Vice-Captain: Kay Gantley, Mens President: Micheal Kelly, Lady President: Eleanor Fitzpatrick, Trustees: Betty Behan, Joe Creggy, Mens Secretary: Derek Milton, Ladies Secretary: Mary Kerrigan, plus Committee members - George Garvey, Rory Minagh, Noel Mulligan, Mike Hiney, Marie Keane, Sean Egan, Ger Heavin, Ollie Grogan.

Motions discussed will be shared with Members via email. 

Trevor Hill & Mens Captain Mick McLoughlin flanking the 2025 Junior Captains Elliot Digan & Ella Grennan at the Management AGM on Sunday evening. 

MIDLANDS INTERMEDIATE ALLIANCEThe latest outing was the rescheduled round here in Moate on Sunday and the winners were: 1st Matt Donoghue (Portumna) 45pts, 2nd PJ Moylan (Portumna) 41pts, 3rd Paddy Coyne (Moate) 41pts, 4th Keith Murphy (Moate) 38pts, 5th Willie Ganly (Moate) 38pts, 6th Noel Dunne (Moate) 37pts, 7th Sean Weldon (Moate) 36pts, 8th Frank Daly (Athlone) 36pts. The Alliance and Moate Golf Club wish to thank everyone for their generous donation to the St. Hilda’s Charity Fund and also thank Mary Kerrigan and Betty Behan for serving the tea, coffee and the lovely scones courtesy of All Ireland winning baker Rose Egan. The next outing is in Mullingar GC on Sunday 12th January 2025.

ANDY’S ARCHIVE – Just time for one from the Irish Newspaper Archives this week and it comes from an Irish Independent dated 01/03/2018.      

2018 – “Moate Golf Club Winter League Final: 1st Andy Dunne, Ger Coughlan, John Smyth, Pat Doyle & Martin Horan 41, 2nd Brendan Kehoe, Michael Power, Adam Turley, Val Keogh and Gareth Cassidy 32, 3rd John Naughton, Eddie Dunican, Dermot Kenny, Vincent Rickard and Sean Dunne 31.”


Andy Dunne 

Moate Golf Club 

Hon. Secretary & P.R.O 

Club Notes 08/12/2024

RESULTS – Gents Turkey Wk 6 (13 hole Stableford) 08/12/2024: 1st Cat 1: Jimmy Digan (7) 28pts, 1st Cat 2: Frank Bannon (13) 27pts, 1st Cat 3: Mossy Collins (15) 26pts, 1st Cat 4: Paddy O’Brien (19) 28pts. (** To help spread the prizes around each time category winners get -2pts, and runners up -1pt for future rounds.)

The Dunnes & Horans were out together on Sunday! 

FUTURE COMPETITIONS – It’s the seventh and final week of the Gents Turkey 13 hole competitions from Monday 9th to Sunday 15th December. Winter League rounds can be played any day. Please make sure you have your yellow tee handicap and team number on the card.

SEERY’S CASH & CARRY WINTER LEAGUE 2025 – Our statistician is without electricity for a few days so hopefully the full table will appear on the website later in the week. In the meantime I can tell you that Team 17 Darren Rosney have 536pts with Team 15 Pat Byrne now 2nd on 443pts, Team 20 Joe Digan are 3rd with 418pts. Team 12 Ger Heavin are this weeks sliders, going down 7 to 18th while Team 29 Philip Dully soar upwards by 9 to 8th.  

Rory Minagh at the kiln on the 9th and George Garvey on 7th tee on Sunday.  

COURSE CORNER – Storm Darragh gave some of our long standing evergreens a fatal knockout so bear with the course staff and volunteers who will be out this week cleaning up. Luckily nothing fell near greens or damaged anything significant. As always we remind everyone to rake the bunkers, fix pitchmarks and sand / replace divots as you go. As previously announced you can rake and place in the bunkers for the winter too.  

Course Manager George Garvey surveying the impressive roots of an upturned tree on Sunday. 

MANAGEMENT AGM – All members please be advised that the Joint Club AGM is on Sunday 15th December in the clubhouse at 7.30pm. Nominations are on display in the clubhouse (shop and both locker rooms) so check them out as decisions that will be made there affect everyone. Please do your best to attend. 

MENS CLUB COMMITTEE 2025 – The Mens Club AGM was held on Monday 2nd December and the Committee for the coming year is – Mick McLoughlin (Captain), Micheal Kelly (President), Derek Milton (Secretary), Liam Galvin (Treasurer), Martin Ryan (Vice-Captain), Andy Dunne (P.R.O.), George Garvey, David Delaney, Sean Egan, Eamon Coughlan, Andrew Rafferty, Mike Hiney, Michael Power. We wish Captain Mick McLoughlin & President Micheal Kelly all the best for their big year ahead.

MIDLANDS INTERMEDIATE ALLIANCEThe next outing is the rescheduled round here in Moate on Sunday 15th December with tee times from 9.50 to 11.50 and there will be tea/coffee and scones in advance of playing.

ANDY’S ARCHIVE – Here are another 3 items from the Newspaper Archives and this weeks random selections are from the Offaly Independent of 21/12/1968,  a Westmeath Independent dated 26/07/1969 and Westmeath Examiner from 06/07/2013.    

1968 – “The local club held a very enjoyable Social in the Clubhouse on Friday night last. The ladies committee are to be congratulated on the decoration of the hall to make it most appropriate for the festive season and also for the Social. Patrons rated it one of the town’s most enjoyable functions of the year. The presence of the Andy Hennessy Showband greatly added to the enjoyment. Despite very cold and wet weather on Sunday, golfing fans were out to play for the Christmas Hamper competition. Mr. Brendan O’Meara, Clara, and Mr. John Conlon, local club, won the two hampers."

1969 – “Moate Golf Club was broken into last week and a quantity of cigarettes and whiskey was stolen. A car in the vicinity was also taken. Gardaí are investigating the matter.”

2013 – “RESULTS – June 25: Seniors Open – 1st Louis Cunningham 41pts. June 27: Thursday Open – 1st Eamon Purtill (v) 45pts, 2nd Paul Fogarty 43pts, 3rd Tommy Digan 40pts. Upcoming fixtures: Tuesday July 2 – Seniors Open (over 50’s). Thursday July 4 – Open Stableford. Our main competition next weekend is Mr. Eamon Coughlan’s Vice-Captains Prize. No doubt we will have some interesting pin positions for that one. We have a midweek monthly running competition and you can play this now from Mon-Fri (excl Thu) for just €3. Your best 2 scores of the month to count. JOE LYONS / IRISH HEART FOUNDATION – During his cycle / golf event I mentioned last week Joe Lyons was welcomed to the club by Mens Captain Dom Fitzpatrick. Joe played our 17th and 18th during the week and left with a birdie in his pocket and some very welcome donations from Moate Golf Club members which was much appreciated."



Andy Dunne 

Moate Golf Club 

Hon. Secretary & P.R.O 


Photos this week courtesy of Andy Dunne, Martin Horan & George Garvey. 

Ladies Club

The Ladies Club AGM was held on Monday 25th November. The following were elected to oversee the Ladies Club for 2025. Lady Captain Marianne Young, Lady Vice-Captain Kay Gantley, Lady President Eleanor Fitzpatrick, Hon. Secretary Mary Kerrigan, Hon. Treasurer Marie Keane, Handicap Sec. Noeleen Fox, Ex-officio Veronica McCormack with Betty Behan, Theresa Cleary, Mags Galvin and Marian Mullen also on committee. There were no motions for discussion. The outgoing Lady Captain Veronica and President Theresa thanked the committee and all members of the club for their help and support during the year and and wished the incoming committee all the best for 2025. They then presented Marianne Young with her Captains pin and jacket and Eleanor Fitzpatrick with her Presidents jacket. Kay Gantley was presented with the lady Vice-Captains jacket. The incoming Lady Captain Marianne Young and incoming President thanked Veronica and Theresa for proposing them for their positions and hoped that they and the ladies club would have and enjoyable and successful golfing year in 2025.

The annual Christmas Social was held on Sunday 1st December. A large number of ladies played in the 13 hole golf competition which was followed by a lovely meal provided by Siobhain and Lauren Foxe. There was then a presentation of all outstanding prizes including Golfer of the Year which was won by Sinead Hall. Lady Captain Marianne wished all members a happy, healthy and enjoyable Christmas.

Ladies Golfer of the Year Sinead Hall with new Lady Captain Marianne Young. 

The Turkey competition and the 13 hole Winter competitions are continuing. The management AGM is on Sunday 15th December at 7.30pm. 

Club Notes 01/12/2024

RESULTS – Gents Turkey Week 5 (13 hole Stableford) 01/12/2024: 1st Cat 1: Jimmy Bradley (4) 30pts, 2nd Cat 1: Mick Power (3) 25pts, 1st Cat 2: Phil Behan (13) 31pts, 2nd Cat 2: Noel Mulligan, 1st Cat 3: Noel Dunne (18) 30pts, 2nd Cat 3: Mick Grehan (14) 29pts, 1st Cat 4: Enda Claffey (20) 31pts, 2nd Cat 4: Denis McCarthy (24) 27pts. 

(** To help spread the prizes around each time category winners get -2pts, and runners up -1pt for future rounds.)

FUTURE COMPETITIONS – It’s week 6 of the Gents Turkey 13 hole competitions from Monday 2nd to Sunday 8th December. Winter League rounds can be played any day. Please make sure you have your yellow tee handicap and team number on the card.

Thanks to Martin Horan for these photos of his Sunday playing partners: Roger Quinn, Mick Power & John Bray. 

SEERY’S CASH & CARRY WINTER LEAGUE 2025 – We now have 36 teams but there is still time to get involved so anyone looking to join or form a team please let us know. While the full table won’t appear on the website for a few days, the top 4 teams stay the same. Team 17 Darren Rosney have 480pts with Team 20 Joe Digan next on 418pts, Team 15 Pat Byrne are 3rd with 416pts and Team 4 Mike Hiney have 341pts. Teams 8 Ciaran Kerrigan  and 13 Eamon Coughlan find the slippery slopes dropping 6 positions to 19th and 22nd respectively, while Team 3 Andy Dunne leap up 13 spots to 10th.  

COURSE CORNER – As always we remind everyone to rake the bunkers, fix pitchmarks and sand / replace divots as you go. Remember as previously announced you can rake and place in the bunkers for the winter too.  

MENS CLUB AGM – All members of the Mens Club are reminded that the AGM is on Monday 2nd December in the clubhouse at 7pm. Please do your best to attend. 

MANAGEMENT AGM – All members please be advised that the Joint Club AGM is on Sunday 15th December in the clubhouse at 7.30pm. Nominations and motions must be with the Hon. Sec. by Thursday 5th December. Please do your best to attend. 

MIDLANDS INTERMEDIATE ALLIANCE – The next outing is here in Moate on Sunday 8th December with tee times from 10-12.

ANDY’S ARCHIVE – Here are another 3 items from the Newspaper Archives and this weeks random selections are from Westmeath Independents of 05/09/1925 & 21/09/1940 followed by an Offaly Independent piece from 15/03/1969.   

1925 – “A team representing Moate Golf Club will travel to Athlone on Sunday May 17th, to meet the latter club in a friendly match. “

1940 – “Tullamore GC – Open Meeting – Stroke – J.B. Moorhead (10), 68-32; J.T. Murray, (18) 68-34. Garda Cup - J.B. Moorhead, 68. Fourball – J.D. Milles (4) and A.J.K. Farren (13), 8 up. 2nd tie –Supt. Delaney (9) and J.B. Farrell (18), 8 up; B.J. Hickey (13) and P.J. Dolan (14), 8 up; won on 2nd nine. Sun. – Mixed foursomes for Red Cross, all day stroke.”

1969 – “Mr. Tony Mitchell, a native of County Kilkenny, and a member of the staff of the National Bank, Moate, has been transferred to new Ross, County Wexford. During his stay in the town he won the esteem of young and old alike. He was a very active member of the local golfing club, being Treasurer for the past two years. All his golfing and other friends join in extending every good wish for his future success and happiness.“


Andy Dunne 

Moate Golf Club 

Hon. Secretary & P.R.O 

Club Notes: 24/11/2024

RESULTS – Gents Turkey Week 4 (13 hole Stableford) 24/11/2024: 1st Cat 1: George Garvey (8) 24pts, 1st Cat 2: Mike Hiney (12) 27-2=25pts, 1st Cat 3: Gabriel Buckley (16) 29pts, 1st Cat 4: Eddie Tynan (19) 29pts.

(** To help spread the prizes around each time category winners get -2pts, and runners up -1pt for future rounds.)

FUTURE COMPETITIONS – It’s week 5 of the Gents Turkey 13 hole competitions from Monday 25th to Sunday 1st December. Winter League rounds can be played any day. Please make sure you have your yellow tee handicap and team number on the card.

SEERY’S CASH & CARRY WINTER LEAGUE 2025 – We now have 36 teams entered which is great news. There’s still plenty of time to get involved so anyone looking to join or form a team please let us know. While the full table won’t appear on the website for a few days, after week 4 the leaders are Team 17 Darren Rosney on 453pts with Team 20 Joe Digan next on 343pts and Team 15 Pat Byrne taking 3rd with 333pts. Teams 36 Ray Donoghue and 33 Sean Weldon find the tall ladders in a low scoring week moving up 8 positions to 28th and 15th respectively, while Team 2 Kevin Jordan lands on a snake and slides down 5 to 14th.

COURSE CORNER – Fair play to the hard working staff who had the course ready for action on Sunday despite the deluge over the previous days. As always we remind everyone to rake the bunkers, fix pitchmarks and sand / replace divots as you go. Remember as previously announced you can rake and place in the bunkers for the winter too.  

MENS CLUB AGM – All members of the Mens Club are reminded that the AGM is on Monday 2nd December in the clubhouse at 7pm. Please do your best to attend.  

ANDY’S ARCHIVE – Here are another 3 items from the Newspaper Archives and this weeks random selections happen to all be from the 1970’s. Either side of a Westmeath Topic piece from 20/06/1973 with a few Moate GC members playing soccer are items from Westmeath Independents dated 09/10/1970 and 14/11/1975.   

1970 – “The winner of the Lady Captain’s Prize played at Moate Golf Club was Miss Polly Buckley, and the runner up was Mrs. T. McKeown. Paddy Brady won the Traders Prize, and second was Noel McLoughlin. Best Gross was won by Michael Glennon. “

1973 – “Final of Moate Soccer League. Carmelite Seniors 5 – Locomoatives 1. Carmelite College Senior XI avenged their earlier defeat in the League by beating Locomoatives by a comfortable margin (5-1) in the Final of the Moate and District Soccer League. Despite the blustery conditions both sides served up excellent fare. An early goal from a penalty gave the Locomoative team the half-time lead in a half they contested eagerly. O’Halloran, Ledwith Morrissey and Casey were their best performers and no matter how hard the Senior side tried they failed to make an impression on the Locomoative defence. The second half however, brought a flurry of midfield activity with Duffy, Murtagh and Claffey gaining supremacy for the Seniors. Their strength at the back and the fact that keeper Hewitt had little to do was only exemplifying their second half supremacy. The goal rush was started by a Ledwith shot, which Locomoative keeper Neary only managed to parry and Kelly forced the equalizer. Duffy and Murtagh both went on to net twice and if the Senior XI marksmen had tried, they could have netted as much again. However praise must go to players like Martin Horan, Lynam and Casey who fought back for the losers to the very end. The Final rounded off a very successful league programme, which, if it is to be an annual affair, can only go from strength to strength. CARMELITE SENIOR XI : F. Hewitt, D. Foy, M. Farrell, S. Ledwith, Tommy Conlon, J. Duffy, L. McDaniel, P.J. Cunningham, N. Kelly, B. Murtagh (capt) Danny Claffey. Sub – M. Tyrrell for L. McDaniel. LOCOMOATIVE: G. Neary, Martin Horan, Aidan O’Halloran, B. Lynam, JJ Carberry, M. Morrissey, G. Casey, G. McIntyre, Eamon Coughlan, M. Ledwith, F. Sheeran. Sub - L. Mullins for M. Ledwith.”

1975 – “Twenty teams have entered for the Question Time promoted by the Golf Club each Friday night in the Bridge House. In the opening series of contests Lions Club beat Vocational School; Tullamore Golf Club beat Moate Golf Club; D.E. Williams Social Club beat Moate Golf Club, and Midland Health Board beat the Peterine fathers. The programme for this Friday night reads: County Hospital v Arden Lawn Tennis Club; Salts Social Club v Birr Golf Club; St. Mary’s Musical Society v Junior Chamber; Mullingar Golf Club v Tullamore GAA Club. “




Andy Dunne 

Moate Golf Club 

Hon. Secretary & P.R.O 

Club Notes 17/11/2024

Despite this new sign, a long established member was observed hitting what looked like a driver in the direction of the cycle way at the weekend. Wherever the ball went he didnt follow it! By order of the Management Committe, the practice area is for short game work and balls must be hit towards the clubhouse only. 

RESULTS – Gents Turkey Week. 3 (13 hole Stableford) 17/11/2024: 1st Cat 1: Bert Burke (2) 29pts, 2nd Cat 1: Paddy Lynam (4) 27pts, 1st Cat 2: Brendan Daly (9) 31pts, 2nd Cat 2: Andy Dunne (12) 29pts, 1st Cat 3: Eoin Ronaldson (14) 31pts, 2nd Cat 3: Paddy Coyne (16) 30pts, 1st Cat 4: Brian Rosney (21) 33pts, 2nd Cat 4: John Bray (25) 31pts. (** To help spread the prizes around each time category winners get -2pts, and runners up -1pt for future rounds.)

FUTURE COMPETITIONS – It’s week 4 of the Gents Turkey 13 hole competitions from Monday 18th to Sunday 24th November. Winter League rounds can be played any day. Please make sure you have your yellow tee handicap and team number on the card. Some players still used their white handicap this week but will find their score was adjusted accordingly. Do not submit scores for Turkey Competition and Winter League on the one card as the WL coordinator may not always be doing the Turkey results and you may miss out on one or the other. Both cards must be fully filled in and signed as normal.

SEERY’S CASH & CARRY WINTER LEAGUE 2025 – We now have 34 teams entered exceeding last years 31. There’s room for more so anyone looking to join or form a team please let us know. 33 teams have posted at least 1 score and some have nearly done the minimum 20 already! While the full table won’t appear on the website for a few days, after week 3 the early leaders are Team 17 Darren Rosney on 405pts with Team 20 Joe Digan next on 343pts and Team 8 Liam Galvin up to 3rd with 293pts. The biggest jump of the week goes to Team 30 Sam Moran up 11 to 19th and slipping down are Team 16 Gary Colgan who drop 10 spots to 29th.

COURSE CORNER – As always we remind everyone to rake the bunkers, fix pitchmarks and sand / replace divots as you go. The committee has decided to try and play all our winter competitions from yellow tees at the front of the existing tee boxes, so it is important that we do our bit and look after the teeing areas. Remember as previously announced you can rake and place in the bunkers for the winter too.  

ANDY’S ARCHIVE – Here are another 3 items from the past located in the Newspaper Archives that I spend a lot of time burrowing in. Starting with the Anglo Celt of 04/05/2001, followed by Westmeath Independent pieces from 21/11/1975 and 12/10/1971.  

2001 – “Chestnut Tree Golf Society. The first outing of the year to Moate Golf Club last Saturday was a very enjoyable day, despite the loss of a number of golf balls by a certain member who shall remain nameless! The winner on the day was Michael Staunton, with Phil Cullen coming in second. Category 1 was won by Oliver O’Dwyer; Category 2, Vincent Brady; Category 3, Sean Callaghan. Carl Gilsenan had the longest drive while Victor Nesbitt was nearest the pin. The next outing is to Delvin Castle on Saturday 28th of April. New members are always welcome. “

1975 – “Members of the Athlone club fairly dominated the proceedings when the Midland Central Alliance held their second outing of the season over the Shannon side course on Sunday, for locals turned the knowledge to good account by winning both the gross and the nett awards and helping themselves tom quite a few of the subsidiary prizes into the bargain. Joe Boles finished with three strokes to spare in the gross, for he shot a fine 82 in finishing ahead of Larry Flynn (Moate) who took 85. Competition was keener in the nett division, for here it was a breakdown of the figures which resulted in Noel O’Brien (10) getting in on the back nine at the expense of his Athlone club mate, M. O’Faolain (17) after both finished on 70. Third place was filled by M. O’Dwyer (18) (Mountrath) with a 70, although again a break of a tie was required to decide the issue in his favour over P.J. Naughton (Athlone). The prize for the best outward nine was claimed by J. Flynn (16) (Moate) who covered the trip in 35, whilst the corresponding award for the back nine went to A. Butler (15) (Abbeyleix) with 33. Sixty competitors defied unpleasant weather conditions in Athlone and the Alliance has made such an impact in its short life span that it has now been decided to fit in an extra meeting in Tullamore on December 7th, when a total of 25 prizes of seasonable fare will be on offer. In Tullamore last weeks turkey competition over 14 holes was won by Denis White and Ron Leddy whose return of 50 got them home by one from P.J. Horan and Michael O’Grady.”

1971 – “On Sunday last a record entry turned out for the Christmas Hamper. The first prize went to George Digan, second was Mick Glennon, third went to Tim Casey. Other prizewinners were George Casey, P.J. Grogan and Hugh Conlon. The prizes were presented to the winners by the Captain, Mr. Michael O’Halloran. Sunday next – Jimmy Flynn’s prize. “


Andy Dunne 

Moate Golf Club 

Hon. Secretary & P.R.O 
